Do you ever find a pile of CDs that have died, been scratched, bitten, etc, that will no longer work? Well I have a solution.
My Dad has a massive cd collection, and with that collection there are close to 50 CDs that no longer work. I come from those families that don't really like to throw things out, so i went looking (to pinterest obviously) for a craft for these unwanted CDs.
- You can microwave them (only 7 sec or something might blow up or break into flames... trust me. It will be the scariest 7 seconds of your life) and get this crackly texture.
- You can cook them in an oven, so they get hot and melty (do NOT put CDs directly on oven shelf or in pan, what if it gets too hot and melts to the wire/pan. what then genius? what are you supposed to say to mom? Tin foil is your friend) so you can mold and stretch the plastic. (NOT with bare hands)
- You can also use them like a piece of scratchboard and scratch a picture into them.
So I have always been interested in clocks, it can say a lot about your family. Whether you must be on time, or not, or you don't even own a clock (you all know who you are). Well my family is rather slack about being on time. We would much rather focus on being with each other or having a good time where we are than rush off. Besides the more we try to be punctual, the less it works sometimes.
Anyway, I wanted to make a clock that would represent my family. So I thought of 5 different characteristics that really describe my family.
- Our family motto/verse is Isaiah 40:31, which is represented by the eagle (12 o'clock)
- Not only has everyone in my family been to college, my grandmothers were both teachers, so education is quite important to us. (9 o'clock)
- Everyone in my family (including extensive) is or was a musician (6 o'clock)
- Innovation and originality is important (3 o'clock)
- most of all, humor which is represented by the greatest of comedians, Bill Cosby. PS. that particular record was my brother and my first introduction to Bill Cosby.